
10 Ways E-signatures are better than Traditional Signatures


10 Ways E-signatures are better than Traditional Signatures

E-signatures, or electronic signatures, are digital ways of signing e-signature documents. You can use your mouse, touchscreen, or keyboard to sign a document instead of using a pen. In this blog post, we will explore 10 reasons why e-signatures are better than traditional signatures.

  1. E-signatures are legal. In many countries, lawmakers establish the legal validity of electronic signatures. This means that e-signatures have the same legal standing as handwritten signatures.
  2. E-signatures are fast. With e-signatures, you can sign documents in seconds. There is no need to print out the document, sign it with a pen, and then scan or fax it back. You can simply open the document and click to sign.
  3. E-signatures are convenient. You can sign documents from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This is especially helpful if you are traveling or if the person you need to sign the document with is in a different location.
  4. E-signatures save paper. By using e-signatures, you can eliminate the need for paper copies of documents altogether. This helps reduce waste and is better for the environment.
  5. E-signatures are secure. When you sign a document electronically, it is encrypted and cannot be altered without your permission. This helps prevent fraud and ensures that the document remains confidential between you and the other party.
  6. E-signatures improve accuracy. With e-signatures, there is no risk of misplacing or losing your signature page like there is with traditional signatures. Your signature will always be in the same place – at the end of the document – so there is no chance of accidentally leaving it out or forgetting to include it altogether.
  7.  E-signatures increase efficiency. Traditional signatures can slow down business transactions because they require physical documents to be mailed back and forth between parties. With e – signatures, all parties can sign electronically, which speeds up transactions and increases efficiency.
  8. E  – signatures make it easier to track changes. When multiple parties need to review and approve a document, it can be difficult to keep track of who has signed and who hasn’t. With e – signatures, you can easily see which parties have signed the document and which ones have not, which makes tracking changes quick and easy.
  9. E  – signatures improve customer satisfaction. By making it easier and faster for customers to sign documents, e – signatures improve customer satisfaction by reducing frustration and eliminating delays.
  10. E  – signatures provide a better user experience. The user experience is important when it comes to electronic interactions, as customers expect a streamlined, user-friendly experience. E – signatures provide just that by allowing customers to quickly and easily sign documents without having to print them out or mail them back.


In conclusion, there are many reasons why e – signatures are better than traditional signatures. From being legally binding to providing a better user experience, e – signatures offer many benefits over their traditional counterparts. If you’re not already using e – signatures in your business transactions, we hope this blog post has convinced you to give them a try!

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