
Qualifying Your Leads


Qualifying Your Leads

Marketing is not about the quantity of leads, it’s about the quality. Most businesses think they need a massive number of leads to grow their company, when, in reality, they need qualified leads that fall in their target audience.

In my 44 years of marketing, I have assisted over 8000 businesses with their marketing efforts. When I ask a company who their target customer is, over 50% of businesses have no idea. If you don’t know who your target audience is, you can’t effectively market your product(s) and/or service(s).

Here are 5 steps to use when qualifying a lead:

  1. Narrow down your target audience. Are you product(s) and/or service(s) available to use locally, statewide, nationwide or globally?
  2. Are there specific industries, or consumer types, that your products apply to or can they be used by everyone?
  3. Is your product a one-time use only or can it be used multiple times?
  4. What is your typical buying cycle?
  5. Most importantly, what is the demographic of your customer: Business, Consumer or both

Age group

Limited to geographical locations

If a business: Employee size, Sales Volume, Point of Contact (you don’t want to contact the President if your product applies to Maintenance, Human Resources, etc.) Who is the decisionmaker?

If a consumer: Income level, homeowner, new homeowner, number of Children, number of household members are just a few selects.

Once you’ve qualified your target market, purchase a direct mail or email list that is manageable. The prospect typically needs to see your marketing piece 3 to 5 times before they contact you and purchase, if interested. Take that into account when you purchase your list. Depending on how you’re reaching out to them, it can get costly if

you’re sending direct mail pieces or having sales people reach out by phone. Don’t purchase 5,000 leads if you can only handle 250 leads a week. It is better to purchase them in smaller quantities, at a time, so the leads are always fresh and being worked properly.

Barb Ferrigno

Trusted by 8000 clients for over 44 years, Concept Marketing Group has a proven track record for assisting companies in growing their business. We know what it takes to be successful with a direct marketing campaign whether it’s a direct mail or e-mail marketing campaign. We work with you to clarify your target market and to provide the data that will give you the highest return. We’ll analyze new audiences and provide you with effective strategies to ensure your business reaches its full potential. We offer free 20 minute consultations, book a call today.

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