
Pakistan Bans Pornhub…But Here’s Why It’s Probably Not Going To Stick

Pakistan Bans Pornhub…But Here’s Why It’s Probably Not Going To Stick

The government of Pakistan recently announced a ban on Pornhub, the popular adult content website. While the move has been applauded by some as a victory for social decency, others are questioning its feasibility and longevity. In this blog article we will dive into the details of the ban and why it is likely to be short lived. We will also explore what other forms of censorship have been attempted in Pakistan and how they have fared in an increasingly digital world. Read on to learn more about this latest push for censorship and why it might not be as effective as hoped.

Pakistan bans Pornhub

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has announced a ban on Pornhub, one of the world’s most popular porn sites. The ban comes after a petition was filed by an Islamic group called the Pakistani Lawyers Forum, which argued that Pornhub is “immoral” and “un-Islamic.”

While it’s not clear yet how the ban will be enforced, it’s unlikely that it will be very effective. For one thing, there are many other porn sites available, and Pakistanis can easily use VPNs to access them. Moreover, even if the ban were somehow successful in blocking Pornhub, it would only drive users to more underground (and potentially more dangerous) sites.

So why bother banning Pornhub in the first place? Some suspect that the real motive is to distract from more pressing issues facing Pakistan, such as its struggling economy. Others believe that Khan is simply pandering to conservative religious groups. Either way, it seems like a largely symbolic move that is unlikely to have any real impact on Pakistan’s pornography consumption.

Why the ban is probably not going to stick

There are a few reasons why the ban on Pornhub is not likely to stick in Pakistan. Firstly, the government has a history of banning and unbanning sites like this. They’ve banned YouTube multiple times, for example, and it always eventually comes back. Secondly, there are plenty of other ways to access Pornhub besides the website itself. There are many VPNs (virtual private networks) that can be used to bypass the ban, and Pornhub is also available on many other platforms including social media and mobile apps. Finally, it’s worth noting that Pakistan is not the only country where Pornhub is banned; it is also blocked in India and Bangladesh. In both of these cases, however, people have still found ways to access the site.

The government’s reasoning for the ban

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) recently announced a ban on Pornhub and other pornography websites in the country. The PTA justified the ban by citing concerns about “immoral and indecent content.”

Many Pakistani netizens are skeptical about the government’s ability to effectively block access to Pornhub and other sites. After all, there are plenty of ways to circumvent such a ban. Moreover, it is unclear how the government plans to enforce the ban given that it does not have a mechanism for monitoring online activity.

Critics of the ban argue that it is a form of censorship and an infringement on freedom of expression. They also point out that many people use Pornhub for educational purposes, such as learning about different sexual practices or watching sex-ed videos.

It remains to be seen whether the Pornhub ban will be effective in Pakistan. However, given the challenges involved in enforcing such a ban, it is likely that it will not be able to stick for long.

How Pakistanis are reacting to the ban

Pakistanis are reacting to the porn ban with a mix of disbelief, anger, and resignation. Many say they will find ways to circumvent the ban, while others worry about the government’s ability to enforce it.

Those who support the ban say that it will protect Pakistani values and help discourage sexual violence. Others argue that the ban is a form of moral policing that does not address the root causes of sexual violence.

There is also concern that the ban could lead to an increase in black market activity, as people seek out illegal ways to access pornography.

What this means for freedom of expression in Pakistan

The recent ban on Pornhub in Pakistan is a development that has worrying implications for freedom of expression in the country. While the government has claimed that the decision was taken in order to protect public morality, it is clear that this is simply an excuse to censor an activity that is seen as morally objectionable by many.

This latest move is part of a wider trend of increased censorship and repression in Pakistan. In recent years, there have been a number of cases where individuals have been arrested and jailed for expressing their views online. This includes bloggers, journalists, and even people who have made critical comments on social media.

The ban on Pornhub is likely to further stifle free speech in Pakistan. It will create a chilling effect, with people self-censoring out of fear of being arrested or persecuted. This will have a particularly negative impact on minorities and marginalized groups who are already at risk of discrimination and violence.

It is essential that the international community speaks out against this latest attack on freedom of expression in Pakistan. We must stand up for the right of people to freely express themselves, without fear of punishment or reprisal.


In conclusion, the ban on Pornhub in Pakistan by the PTA is not likely to be successful due to a variety of factors. Firstly, there are numerous ways for users to access content from websites such as Pornhub that cannot be blocked by regulators. Secondly, the law enforcement resources needed to implement and enforce this ban would be huge and require considerable investment both financially and technically. Finally, it is likely that the ban will have negative impacts on freedom of speech which could draw criticism from international bodies.

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