
How To Trim Down Your Basic Expenses

Insulated Windows

How To Trim Down Your Basic Expenses

The first quarter of 2021 saw a record $14.6 trillion in household debt. This seems like a lot, but many people don’t want to reduce their expenses because they believe it is too difficult. Many of us are unable to understand the concept of making drastic changes to our lifestyles that might make it more difficult to live a normal life. However, many people view carrying debt as normal. This is why any attempt to reduce expenses must often be accompanied with a change in mindset.

 1. Common Cost Of Basic Household Expenses  

The household expenses are a breakdown of all living expenses per person. These expenses include lodging, food, Eversource CT, and other living costs. To calculate each family member’s share of total expense, the sum is divided by how many people live in the house.

Knowing how your cost-of-living expenses affect you can help in your budget and planning. Knowing where your money is going each month will help you make better decisions about saving and spending, and be more prepared for the unexpected.

You can organize your budget by separating these expenses into needs or wants. This will help you prioritize spending, especially if there is a need to cut costs in order to save money or repay debt.


These are the costs you can’t avoid. These should account for half of your spending if you use the 50/30/20 Budget. These are often considered necessities:

  • Mortgage/rent
  • Homeowners or renters insurance
  • Property tax (if not already included in the mortgage payment)
  • Auto insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Out-of-pocket medical costs
  • Life insurance
  • Electricity and natural gas
  • Water
  • Sanitation/garbage
  • Groceries, toiletries and other essentials
  • Car payment
  • Gasoline
  • Public transportation
  • Internet
  • Cell phone and/or landline
  • Student loan payments
  • Other minimum loan payments
  • Child support or alimony payments
  • Child care


These expenses can be difficult to budget for because they don’t come with a fixed monthly fee. You should allow for 30% of your spending to be spent on wants if you follow the 50/30/20 budget.

  •  Clothing, jewelry, etc.
  •  Dining out
  •  Special meals in (steaks for the grill, etc.)
  •  Alcohol
  •  Movie, concert and event tickets
  •  Gym or club memberships
  •  Travel expenses (airline tickets, hotels, rental cars, etc.)
  •  Cable or streaming packages
  •  Self-care and personal grooming, like spa visits in Connecticut
  •  Home decor

 2. Trim Your Basic Expenses With These Simple Tips 

Many people seek ways to reduce their monthly expenses to minimize the financial damage. These are some ways to save money, which you can do one at a time without too much effort but could save large amounts of cash over the long-term.

Use Public Transportation

Access to public transportation can help you save money on gas, parking and maintenance. A small fraction of what it costs to own a car can be used to get you from one part of town to the other, to work and back again, as well as to the most important events. Saving money is possible every time you are able to get rid of the car.

This is just how much you will save on gas, maintenance, and other expenses. You’ll save even more if your car can be eschewed completely.

Insulated Windows

If you live in an area where your home’s temperature is different from the temperature outside of your home for the majority of the year, one of the most expensive parts of your home is likely the windows.

Well, most homeowners in Connecticut spend the most on climate control for their home compared to any other appliance. Windows is a house’s single largest source of heat loss typically. Upgrading your windows to ones with more insulation capacity can reduce your monthly energy expenditure.  

Install CFL or LED Light Bulbs  

If you haven’t changed the lightbulbs within your home before, it is worth considering switching to CFLs or LEDs. These bulbs last up to four times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs and are more efficient in energy savings. Most reliable companies like Reliant Energy plans are already offering renewable and solar energy plans since they are more affordable and lower your electricity bills.

Install A Programmable Thermostat  

A programmable thermostat can automatically adjust the heating and cooling of your home while you are away, or when you sleep, thereby reducing your heating and cooling costs. You can set it to heat or cool your home as soon as you get home from work.

Cancel Club Memberships  

Consider expenses like your gym membership or membership to the local country club. These services are used very rarely. You’re probably wasting money if you use a gym membership less often than once per week or a country club membership less frequently than once per month. You might want to cancel any memberships that you are unsure about and see if they really matter.

 Bottom Line 

Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Do not ponder or contemplate. Just Get started. You will save more if you get started sooner than you finish. Talk to a credit counselor at a non-profit credit counseling agency in Connecticut if your debts are so large that you have doubts about your ability to manage them. There are many ways you can cut costs and save money. It is easy to find the right place to save money and cut expenses.

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