
How To Make Custom packaging box Look Amazing?


How To Make Custom packaging box Look Amazing?

While it is obvious that your product is the most important part of your business, packaging and marketing is a close second. Custom packaging box helps sell your product and allows you to connect with your customers.

Specifically, having social media friendly packaging encourages customers to share photos on various online platforms, thus increasing exposure and providing free marketing. Balancing the cost of packaging can really impact the design. We’re here to say that this doesn’t have to be the case! Check out some of our ideas for making your Custom packaging box more interesting and shareable while keeping it easy on your wallet:

Keep it classic

While the classic die cut box shape may sound boring, there are tons of ways to make it interesting. Graphic design would be your best friend with this option, research trending colors, fonts, and designs. Custom packaging box shapes are also functional and user friendly. These would be one of your most cost-effective options.

Don’t skimp on the interior

If you’re using a traditional box shape, consider adding print to the interior. When your customer opens the box, they almost always appreciate the extra attention to detail. I might be a good place to add some social media information, instructions on how to use your product, or a standard thank you to your customers.

also visit: Custom Corrugated Boxes

Extra embellishments

Adding some extra embellishments to the exterior of your packaging can help make your product pop. Consider foil stamping, embossing, or debossing to add extra depth and interest. Gold or silver foil can really bring attention to your package and adds an extra feel of luxury. Embossing or debossing can add depth and interest – it can also give the effect of letterpress. Either option can really elevate your packaging and add elegance.

Branded extras

Things like branded tissue paper, or sticker labels increase brand exposure and tell your customers that you have really considered all of the small details. They make your Custom packaging box feel special. Customers will really get a solid brand experience if you sweat the small things!

The Power of Corrugated Cardboard

One incredibly popular and versatile eco-friendly option is Custom packaging box. Corrugated cardboard is comprised of 3 layers: 2 layers of cardboard which sandwich paper fluting. It is notoriously strong and able to reasonably withstand the normal tussle of standard shipping.

Not only is corrugated cardboard tough, it is often made of recycled content and is universally accepted at most curbside, municipal recycling programs.

Go Vegan!

Opting for vegetable based inks is another way to reduce your overall carbon footprint. Vegetable based inks are predominantly made from corn, walnut, coconut, linseed, canola and soy bean oils. Using vegetable based inks ensures that boxes are environmentally sound and will not leak harmful toxic waste into the soil. Soy ink particularly is substantially more effective than its petroleum counterparts.

Choose Custom Boxes

We’ve all seen the packaging fails; Amazon deliveries that carry a small product, in a far-too-large box, cushioned by plastic and swathes of bubble wrap. By creating a Custom packaging box, which fits your product, not only can you ensure that you use the right amount of packaging, but it will save you in the long-run. By savings, we mean that you will run less of a risk of your product breaking in transit, or buying a more expensive, ill-fitting box.

Eco-Friendly Protective Packaging

If you want to skip plastic altogether, you can design custom inserts to fit your packaging, and prevent it from moving in transit. Inserts can be made from a variety of materials. Cardboard can be an economical and sustainable choice for inserts. Molded pulp is another option. Molded pulp is durable and made of recycled content.


While you obviously cannot target your packaging for each and every person who may buy your product, there is always room to get messages to the consumer. Personalization could mean creating packaging which tells a story, tells your brand story, or speaks to your consumer demographic in a manner that seems like an intimate letter. An example of this would be looking at generational marketing – what are things that Gen Z and Millenials gravitate towards? Does this involve a specific image, color scheme, or catch phrase? You can also consider investing in custom shipping boxes to stand out to retailers. Or retail displays to quite literally bring your product off the shelves and into their own personalized, stand-alone vessel.


Packaging transparency is where you build trust with your customers. The food industry provides great examples with respect to transparency. Within the food industry, governments regulate things like nutritional facts, allergy information, and require that the ingredients must be visible. The same cannot be said for industries like health/wellness, or beauty. So be clear about what your product can do, don’t gloss over important information, and ensure that your package delivers an accurate message. If a customer trusts what you are saying, they will likely repeat their purchase.

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